
FSA Potluck

Okay, okay so yesterday we had our annual FSA picnic. We had a great time, and the turn out was also very good. However, we were put to shame (by someone who will remain anonymous) when we were told that they look at our blog daily only to be disappointed when there was no new posts. So just for them here you go.

It is always nice to get together with old friends and hopefully make some new ones. We are greatful for FSA and the wonderful activities that bring us all together. So we thought we would post some pictures to show what a great time we all had. We hope anyone that sees it will want to come to the next activity.

I spent last week in Chicago visiting two companies. The weather was great until friday when I had to come home. Because of the bad weather we spent five hours on the runway before taking off. I finnally got home at one, but the rest of the trip was great.

1 comment:

Michelle D said...

You guys ROCK! :-D

Thanks for the fabulous post - check out our blog too...

Hope to see you sooner rather than later!