
June Recap

Of course the highlight of our month was getting cute little Dusty. He is a full Cocker Spaniel. So sweet and loving. He has one blue eye and one brown. We love playing with him. Of course wherever Spencer goes he will follow. They have a special bond. Even so much that they sleep in the same position.

We had a great time at our FSA Family Movie Night. It was a hit!! Spencer and I were in charge of planning it. Spencer's brother has a projector and he projects movies onto two king sheets sewn together and hung on the back of his house. He does a movie every weekend and he was kind enough to make one weekend just for Family Supporting Adoption. This time we watched Ratatouie. It is always a tone of fun!!

Spencer with our friends little girl Maggie.

My Neice's Ashlee and Allison came to stay with me for a weekend while Spencer was out of town. We had a lot of fun! We went shopping, to a movie, and dinner. We had some good laughs at the mall with some of the new styles that are out there. I just hope they had as much fun as I did.

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