
Conference Weekend

So, Friday we were bored and decided to go up to the Hill Air Force Base Museum.  Neither of us have been there since we were young grasshoppers.  We drive past it all the time.  Every time we drive past we say that we need to go there.  So on Friday, we did.  They have some pretty cool stuff there.

What is this thing behind Spencer?  Is that a phone booth?  Wow!
A really, really, really, big helicopter.
Criscell in the pilots seat.
Spencer in the pilots seat.
Saturday we took a drive.  It was fun.  Every Conference Saturday we take a long drive and listen to Conference.  I have family from down in Southeastern Utah.  We usually head North, but decided to change it up a little.  This is the Vernal Temple.  The Steak Center next door is twice the size.  I think it is really pretty though.
Here is the snow storm that we got caught in on our way home.  I thought we were going to die.  The roads were so slick.
Spencer's parents were able to get some tickets to the Sunday morning session of General Conference.  Spencer and I lucked out, we are the only ones in the family without kids so it was an easy pick I guess since they had four tickets and there was only two of us.  JK  Every one else probably turned them down.  Spencer and I have never been.  It is really hard to get tickets when you live in Utah. We had to be in our seats way early.  Conference doesn't start until 10 am but the Mo Tab has there Music and the Spoken Word right before.  We were in our seats by 8:30.  It was a great experience.  We had really close seats too.

1 comment:

Dave and Makele Moore Family said...

Hey, I just updated our blog. You will be proud . makele