
June, July, and August 2010

Oldest pics are last.

Here is Alex eating his first ice cream cone. We ended up moving from out first apartment in Elko to a house rental. You would think that the house would be an upgrade from the apartment, but it was not. Yes we paid a lot of money for that apartment. You ask why? Well it was the only place available at the time. We are now paying a lot less for a two bedroom house built in 1929. It is not bad though. It beats the crapy management at our apartments.
Here is Spencer sporting Alex's hat. We went to our ward campout. It was a blast. We had a zipline and Spencer took Alex down strapped to him. Alex is a dare devil. It was also Alex's first time camping. He slept like a baby.
Alex is always catching the girls eyes. He is with one of the Young Women in our 1st ward. I loved those girls in that ward. Alex was also able to go to girls camp a couple different days. Spencer had to come up and help us set up and then because he was the Executive secretary in the Bishopric he came up on Bishopric night. I didn't post any pics from girls camp.

All the families had to get up and do a skit or song. We decided to tag along with our friends so we did not have to do our own.

Now we are in July. We had so much fun in the sun going to the park. Alex loves the swings.
If you notice, Alex is not looking at the camera and has his eye on something else. If you could pan the camera to the right, you would notice the little girl on the swing next to him. He sees a girl and you can't get his attention. Do you think we are in trouble?
Yeah, my butt fits on the slide.

Standing man, but still no walking yet. 10 months old he has taken a few steps, but not wanting to walk.
Family photo! Alex's eyes still on the little girl of who's mother offered to take our picture.
He may check out the girls, but his heart belongs to mommy.

Alex and daddy in the boat.

Our little strong man! So we have realized that Alex has some extra strength. We started noticing this when we were at church. He would just hang on the back of the pews without his feet touching the ground. We were at the park and hung him on the rings. Don't worry obviously they are not high and I am ready to catch. This kid is hanging by one arm from the rings. Not just for a second either.
Alex loves water. He likes to splash himself with water too. He had a blast in this mini pool that our friend gave us.

We try to support the community by going to the different things they put on in the park. One of the mines does a free hamburger thing in the park with entertainment. It was fun, but Alex fell asleep anyways.

Playing on the grass at our apartments was nice.


Em said...

so happy for you and your adorable little family, have fun, they grow up way too fast!!!

Mel Eppich said...

Hey beautiful girl! thanks for your comment the other day! I really appreciated it! your little family is SO precious. All your pictures made me miss you even more! you are in my thoughts and prayers!