

My Cousin Kayla tagged me.  I am going to do three quirks of mine and three quirks of Spencer's.

Here are the rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about six quirks you have.
4. Tag three fellow bloggers to do the same.
5. Leave a comment to let them know.

Quirk #1
I have to have all my clothes in my closet organized by Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple black, and white, then by length of shirt, pant and skirt.

Quirk #2
Spencer's quirk. He thinks he is perfect in every way, and he has no quirks.  Ha, Ha, Ha!!!  He said it not me.

Quirk #3
I have to sleep on the left side of the bed and sit on the right side of the couch.  If Spencer is already on the right side of the couch, I make him move. 

Quirk #4
Spencer gets in the shower at 5:30 in the morning and sleeps the first half of his shower against the wall.  In fact I don't think he can take a shower in the morning without sleeping. When we were first married I thought he was worse than a girl with how long he took in the shower, until I realized he was sleeping. 

Quirk #5
Every time I go to get in the car by myself, I have to have my cell phone in hand, 
I check the back seat and the minute I get in I have to lock the doors. A women can never be too safe.  O.K. I am just weird.

Quirk #6
When Spencer is tired he plays with the back of his hair.  When he is thinking really hard he plays with the front of his hair.  It is really cute. 
I tag anyone who wants to be tagged or who just wants to write their quirks down.

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