
We Can Fly, We Can Fly, We Can Fly!!

So They finally did it.  Spencer, Bryan and Dallas for Christmas got a gift card to do that I fly thing in Ogden.  It is basically a big wind tunnel that simulates sky diving.   My sister in-law Jen and I just watched and took pictures.  I did some video.  They did get a DVD, but we have not cut the other people out yet.  When we do I will post it.  I just thought this was funny.  They kink of look goofy with all that attire on.  I thought the music I put to it was funny.

Remember to pause our music on the side before watching.   


Obviously Dallas said...

Please tell that's the footage from your camera or that it is a lower quality so you could upload. cause if that is their camera and that low quality i feel ripped off.

C.J. and Jackie said...

That is so cool! I totally want to try it! Lets do it! And this time you will do it with me Criscell! Would you do it again Spencer?

C.J. and Jackie said...
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